Pray for one another

Pray for one another

Pray for one another
August 8, 2018

Table Of Contents

Pray for one another:

As believers we are called to pray for one another. The following points of prayer are taken from the prayer of the apostle Paul and his co-workers for the believers in Colossae. When we pray for one another it is essential to pray specifically. This list gives specific things we can pray for fellow brothers and sister all over the world and for ourselves.

This list of eleven prayer points can help us focus on Biblically sound intersession as we pray for our fellow brothers and sister.

Intercessory and personal prayer points taken from Colossians 1:9-14:

We can start off by thanking God the Father that He qualified us in Christ to share in the inheritance with all His saints from all ages.


  • Pray that we may all have a complete knowledge of God’s will for their lives.
  • Pray that we will put into practice what we know to be the will of God.
  • Pray that we may have a complete understanding of salvation.  
  • Pray that we will walk in such a manner that it will show that we love Christ.
  • Pray that our daily walk will not bring disgrace to the Name of Christ.
  • Pray that we will please God in everything we do.
  • Pray that we will bear fruit in our spiritual lives.
  • Pray that we will increase in the knowledge of who God is and what He has done for us.
  • Pray that we may be strengthened with God’s power – every day.
  • Pray that we may have endurance as we run the race of faith.
  • Pray that we may be patient in all circumstances.
  • Pray that we may be filled with the joy of our salvation and that we will not seek after pleasure. 

We can end by thanking God for delivering us from the power of darkness and translating us into the kingdom of His dear Son. We can also thank God for having received redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ and that our sins are forgiven because of what Christ Jesus did for us.


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