Have you heard the Good News?

Newcastle APC
We were privileged to have our 11th annual African Pastors Conference from 18-19 January 2019. The theme for this conference was: “DEFINING FEATURES OF A BIBLICAL CHURCH.”
Session 1 “The church as the body of Christ”
2 “It exists for Christ-centred, word-centred worship”
3 ” Its foundation is the 66 books of the Bible”
4 ” It is gospel-driven in all its activities”
5 ” It is fed by expository preaching and bible-study”
6 “It saturates itself in prayer”
7 “It is led by biblical pastors and elders”
8 ” It promotes personal discipleship and growth”
9 “World mission-minded”
The speakers for the Conference:M
Pastor Michael Bwembya is Pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, Livingstone, Zambia, which is a church plant of Lusaka Baptist Church. He has spent most of his pastoral ministry in church planting. Pastor Michael is married to Jacqueline and they have three surviving children. He has been a regular speaker at APCs for many years.
Nico van Zyl trained as a Pastor in the Dutch Reformed Church. He worked as a missionary at KwaSizaBantu in KwaZulu Natal and recently led the work at Welamlambo Baptist Mission, a prospective church plant situated in Tembisa Township in Kempton Park, SA. Nico serves as an Elder of Birchleigh Baptist Church in Kempton Park and is the APC Conference Manager. He does some internet worldwide evangelistic work with SAAWE. Nico is married to Roxanne.
APC seeks to provide training for Pastors and Bible teachers from all denominations and independent churches. The only criterion for attendance is to accept that the Bible is the authoritative rule for church government and that its inerrancy as the word of God is the basis for all true Christian preaching.