The Five Phases of Salvation

The Five Phases of Salvation

The Five Phases of Salvation
July 9, 2018

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The Five Phases of Salvation

The Eternal Phase: This phase of salvation comprises God’s will, purpose and plan of the saving of His people.  It occurred in the council of eternity past by the sovereignty of a triune God.  It is clearest seen in the doctrines of foreknowledge, election and predestination.

  1. Foreknowledge: The act of God, foreknowing in love a certain people based on God’s will and sovereign choice and not influenced by any works on man’s part (Romans 8:29).
  2. Election: The act of God in the election of individuals to eternal life based entirely on God’s sovereign choice and not influenced by any works on man’s part (Romans 9:11)
  3. Predestination: The act of God in predetermining the destiny of His people to be made like Christ by the act of His sovereign will (Ephesians 1:4-5, Romans 8:29).

The Legal Phase of Salvation: This phase of salvation compromises God’s reconciliation and satisfaction of His Holiness in forgiving the sin of His people by the atoning blood of His son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  It took place at the crucifixion of Christ about 33 AD.  The legal phase of salvation is clearest seen in the doctrines of Justification, Redemption, Substitution and Propitiation.

  1. Justification: The divine act of a Holy God who judicially declares a sinner to be righteous because Christ has borne the sinner’s sin on the cross (Romans 3:24-26).
  2. Redemption: (Particular Redemption or Limited Atonement) Christ died only for the elect and by his death, Christ redeemed (purchased) all for whom He died (Matthew 1:21).
  3. Substitution: By the death of Christ, He took the place of His elect (II Corinthians 5:21).
  4. Propitiation: By the death of Christ, He satisfied God’s wrath (Romans 4:25, Isaiah 53:11).

The Vital Phase:  This phase of salvation takes place in the life of God’s elect when he is born of God (John 3:8, 5:25; Ephesians 2:1, 10) or quickened (made alive) by the Spirit. It is clearest seen in the doctrine of Regeneration.

Regeneration:  The act of God in giving life to the child of God by His effectual call of the Spirit.  This is totally the act of God in quickening or creating new life into those dead in sin, causing them to be born of God.

The Practical Phase: This is the progressive work in the child of God, after regeneration, in conforming his life practically to the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is based on God’s mercy and is the only phase involving man’s obedience.  This phase of salvation is best expressed in the doctrine of conversion and practical sanctification.

Conversion:  The act of a child of God after being born of God in conforming his life, mind, conversation and walk to the teaching of the word of God (Acts 2:40, I Corinthians 9:22, Philippians 2:12-13).

The Final Phase: This is the act of God in resurrection and glorification of the elect of God making them completely holy and kept in the presence of Christ forever.  This phase of salvation is best expressed in the doctrine of glorification.

Glorification:  The act of God at the end of time in the glorifying of His people – body, soul, and spirit to be made like Christ.  God’s children shall then be incorruptible, immortal and forever changed into the image of Christ (Romans 13:11; 8:30, I Corinthians 15:51-58).  Halleluiah!

Original Outline by Elder Gus Harter; Edited by Elder James Taylor 4/26/2008 (

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